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    Pro Tip: Keep Your Game in Shape This Off-Season

    Pro Tip: Keep your game in top shape

    As a Canadian, watching golf on TV during the winter is equal parts enjoyable and disheartening. The tremendous vistas of Hawaii and California gives us hope that spring is indeed around the corner, but at the same time and for the most part across the country, we realize there’s still some time left before we can enjoy our own rounds of golf.

    That said, there’s no reason why Canadians who are locked into a polar vortex – and whose only form of exercise these days is shovelling – can’t continue to work on their games.

    Golf Workout

    The good news for Canadians is that there are plenty of golf putting aids that fit any space, plus the best kinds of golf workouts and golf exercises that can help folks keep their swings until spring.

    First up is probably the easiest of things to do – that people don’t do nearly enough of – stretching. Researchers from Harvard Medical School agree that stretching – no matter your age or golf handicap – is the best golf exercise to work through, especially during the winter.

    From the Harvard report: “Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight.” It’s one thing to go from the parking lot to the first tee in the middle of July, but for those first couple games this spring, take a look online for plenty of free stretching routines. And don’t fret – most stretching routines don’t involve any equipment.

    When you think about some of the other best golf workouts through the winter months, you don’t have to think too hard. Fitness coach Kolby Tullier (nicknamed K-Wayne, and performance instructor to the pros) told LINKS Magazine that things like standing on one leg for a few minutes will be beneficial to your balance come golf season, rotating your hips in wide circles, and just getting up to walk around for 10 minutes after working for an hour are all good things.

    But what about when you want to try to improve some of your actual golf actions? The good news there is a ton of putting training aids are on the market and can be easily set up on your office floor as the practice green.

    Wellputt Wellstroke

    The Wellputt 13-feet mat is designed to help produce real-life green conditions and is approved by Jordan Spieth’s putting coach, Cameron McCormick. It boasts a constant speed roll, has multiple visual aids for body and putter alignment, and has two play directions – making it one of the best putting aids on the market.


    Callaway Home Range Practice System

    If you have a little more space in your home – or if you’re a little heartier and don’t mind taking some swings while the snow flies – take a look at the Callaway Home range practice system which includes a hitting net, hitting mat, and a Pro Caddie shagger/feeder.


    Garmin Approach S62 Watch

    Finally, as you prepare to have the best year yet on the course in Canada, the Garmin Approach S62 golf watch not only can help you with distances on the course, but it’s got some neat built-in fitness features as well for running, cycling, and swimming.


    So, despite the winter’s chill, there are lots of ways to keep working on your game to pass the time before spring arrives once again.